
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Urgent need to switch to alternate transport

Increasing traffic in the big cities of India like metro and semi metro cities needs to introduce extensive use of bicycle as an alternate transport. The turn around in traffic sollution is really needed. We can take an example of various cities which have made it possible to resolve the traffic. New york and Amsterdam has taken this on high priority and achieved success at so much extent. The join efforts by these two cities have started a mission called "New Amsterdam bike slam" is touching the sky and getting overwhelming response.These Cities are changing, and safe and abundant cycling is part of the new face of these cities.The New Amsterdam Bike Slam is a high-profile, positive public event which offers an open collaborative way for helping New York and anybody else who is ready to learn from their experience to move together from old to new sustainable mobility i.e. Bicycle.

The seperate bicycle tracks withing the city just besides the main roads can be constructed to allow the bicyclists for the safe and hassle free bicycle riding like they are in various cities of Europe. Its not too difficult for the Indian government to construct such kind of roads. Its a fact that everywhere separate roads are not possible but some area can be clubbed for bicycles and vehicles, some only for vehicles and some only for bicycles. Government can ask for the donations for such a noble cause from big industries.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bicycle- An Alternate Transport-More Fun Green Future


The word we all are aware of, "Global warming"-The ghost slowly slowly swallowing our only planet with life, and the effects of it, worsening day by day. But still let me remind you the severe effects of it in detail as follows:
1. Increase in global temperature will cause see level to rise.
2. Expansion of subtropical deserts.
3. Increase in the intensity of extreme weather events like flood, draught, earthquake etc.
4. Spieces extinctions
5. Agricultural yields.
6. Lots of unexpected events that may destroy the earth completely.

The whole world has started the movement of going Eco-friendly with some good measures like Reduction in greenhouse gas emission, Tree plantations, Bicycle as an alternate transport option, etc. Why should we stay behind and be only viewers? The time has come to be on the changer's side not only to be on viewer's side.

I would like to discuss here in detail about my prefered option of using Bicycle as an alternate transport option as long as the benefits are tremendous. Global and personal. The modern city is confronted with many challenges concurrently: air pollution, noise, spatial segregation, congestion and a lack of accessibility. Compared to these current situations look at the promising benefits of Bicycle use as below.
1. Less pollution due to less fuel consumption by millions of people everyday using bicycles.
2. Enhanced health of the people and communities using bicycles.
3. Less traffic on roads as less people will be seen with motorcycles and cars.
4. Less space requirements for bicycles compared to motorcycles and cars.
5. World class bicycles with better designs and safety standards will be produced because of the increase in demand.

I would like to volunteer myself for this noble cause of "Bicycle Promotion" through this blog and would like to encourage everbody to join with me in this mission. Just think over it guys..If everyone of us try to reduce fuel consumption just by avoiding few trips by "Motorcycle" or "Car" every week and opt for a "Bicycle" instead what a big difference we can make for our mother nature...

Through my upcoming blogs I will be communicating to the tremendous possibilities of bicycle usage and the world wide movements going on for Bicycle Promotion.Please add this weblink to your favourites..Lets club our hands in this very important mission just by doing a very simple act i.e. Riding a bicycle- More Fun More Future.

Very well said "If not Earth then where. If not now then when. If not us then who"